
Monday, April 9, 2012

****Latest news****

Hi Everyone

Just letting you all know that Jasper & Ruby have finally got the dating & mating system worked out!! (very excited after having to "AI" last time)& a tied mating has taken place!!
Fingers crossed if all works out we will be expecting a litter around the 10th June 2012
Please understand I don't keep a waiting list but welcome your enquiries.
When I have a confirmed pregnancy I will update all info here, then when a litter arrives & will advise 2 weeks before I offer available pups which is usually when puppies are around 3 weeks old.
If your wanting to own a "little Aussie Kennel" puppy please keep an eye on my site here for all updated info.
Hoping everyone had a wonderful & safe Easter break.
Kind regards
Kylie :)